26 world renowned Encaustic artists share their knowledge and expertise on all aspects of this wonderful medium. They are also inviting the course participants to have a peek into their practice to see what is behind the scenes and what inspires them.
The organiser of this outstanding workshop is Essence of Muranny, located in Ireland, who offer artist retreats through the year. Last year they have started to offer an online artist workshop dedicated to encaustic technique for the first time.
For this they enlisted an impressive roster of specialists and teachers. The event was a resounding success, judging by the enthusiastic reaction of the participants.
This year the teacher line up is even more impressive. It includes our very own Pedro Cuní, an artist and teacher based in New York. The online workshop includes 50 hour long classes of pre-recorded tuition for a price of $249 (early bird price). Classes start on April 27th but since these are prerecorded videos, you can register anytime. There will also be basic instruction videos as a bonus, if you need to get a little of the basics before you get to the fabulous fancy stuff.

If you are interested in the details, go directly to Essence of Mulranny’s website at https://www.essenceofmulranny.com/painting-with-fire-2022.
And just to be clear – we have no hand in this, we just spread the news as we love this brilliant initiative. 😃