There really is magic in the beauty of autumn. As winter draws near, the glowing green leaves on trees are replaced with ravishing reds, rusty browns and golden yellows, hues that gently invigorate and stimulate the mind. The warm colours of autumn are are dotted through every field and forest. Slow-clearing mists, jewelled spiders’ webs, and stolen glimpses of afternoon sunshine tell you that summer is far behind. It is a beautiful time to enjoy the outdoors before the winter sets in.
We have restocked our shelves in time to give you the full choice of available Cuní Colours to be able capture this ravishing display on canvas. We stock all 35 colours, including 13 earth tones, as well as paint medium and retarder. Yellow Ochre, Lemon Yellow and Pyralozone Orange are now also available in 60ml jars.
Additionally, we now stock the new 6 x 30ml colour starter pack, a perfect gift for all who would like to try this beautiful ancient paint for the first time.

So get your easel out and get painting! Happy Halloween!!!